
Is Your Inbox Robbing You of Time?

By Joe Laden posted 03-08-2011 21:45

If you spend more than 1/2 hour per day in your inbox,  checking, reading, organizing and pondering what to do about what you have received, you may need help.

A great way for you to get significant guidance is to listen to Merlin Mann's presentation,  "Inbox Zero" that he gave to Google employees in 2007.   The audio/video is about an hour in length, but it will be time well spent for anyone who is either too organized or not organized enough with regard to email.

Merlin talks about archiving stuff that you do not take action on today.  If you use Outlook,  my method to do this is to simply leave unprocessed items in your inbox and use Outlook's auto-archive function to clear these emails to a searchable archive file.

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