
Space Utilization Template?

By Dale Farrell posted 11-03-2009 11:40

We are looking for a template or methodology to use as a basis for requests by our departments for additional clinical space.   The MGMA Survey for private practices includes overall space utilization per FTE Physician, but we believe that number is not specific enough.  We would like a further breakdown which includes space requirement (i.e. sq. ft.) in a teaching setting, by specialty, per Physician or per Provider, for some or all of the following areas in the clinic: 

  • Exam room and Procedure Rooms,
  • Lab/Radiology,
  • Physician Office,
  • Nurse/Clinical Support Staff workspace,
  • Front Desk workspace,
  • Billing Support Staff workspace,
  • Administrative Staff offices/workspace,
  • Waiting room,
  • Medical records,
  • Residents' work area. 

Our reasoning for this level of detail is based on the variation clinical operations between organizations and between departments within each organization.  Specifically, there could be significant differences in space requirements depending on the levels of ancillaries, the number of residents, whether EMR has been implemented, etc.

I appreciate any information/guidance you may be able to provide.

