
You May Work In a Hospitalist Practice If...

By Dea Robinson posted 01-09-2009 00:34

Here we go...full force into 2009 and I am astonished that this "crazy idea" a doctor I worked for 11 years ago wanted to ditch his practice and start <gasp> a hospitalist practice??? What? 

Fast forward-2009.  Society of Hospital Medicine(SHM) is one of the fastest growing physician associations, hospitalist practices are growing nationwide and MGMA and SHM are exchanging olive branches toward a goal of collaboration.  As a long time MGMA member (that may qualify me as old) I couldn't be more motivated to be involved in the whole movement of Hospitalists and this win-win collaboration that MGMA and SHM has undertaken.  But, since this is the inaguaral Hospitalist Blog...I present to you fellow colleagues the list of...

"You May Work in a Hospitalist Practice If..."

   1.  You only see the physicians in your practice every 10-14 days.
   2.  Tracking down a physician to sign a death certificate seems, well, a normal occurence.
   3.  You purchase more espresso beans than food to fuel the call room buzz.
   4.  Scheduling a physician meeting takes on a whole new meaning (see #1).
   5.  Credentialing your physicians always requires marking the specialty of "Other" (where's the respect?)
    6.  The billing staff is considered for "Educator of the Year" from all of the creative denials they receive on EOB's.
    7.  Drug reps are dinosaurs, and there seems to be a lack of junk food.
    8.  A bed in the office is considered office furniture.
    9.  Defining office hours is only a concept.
  10.  Your peers wonder what you do all day since you don't have a "normal" office!

Well, I submit to you all that administration of a Hospitalist is unique and what is normal for one can be dysfunctional for another.  As I navigate this journey of defining and redefining my profession in a relatively new specialty even with 11 years under my belt, I know that continued education is the key to creative problem solving. Yes, I know Dr. Jesse said recently in his blog that the economy sucks, but one thing is constant for all of us administrators-there will always be patients who are sick and need care.  I look forward to learning more and effective ways to manage my physicians and staff to the best of my abilities along with you all. 



02-23-2009 17:01

Dea, this was a great opener. Good luck, and i look forward to seeing more posts.

01-10-2009 21:47

Joe-I am not sure what percent are hospital employees off the top of my head, but I'm sure data is availabe on this between SHM and MGMA. Thanks for the question and your comment.~dea.

01-10-2009 14:46

Does anyone know what percent of hospitalists are hospital employees?

01-10-2009 14:42

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01-10-2009 10:12

Nice job make us all proud.