
Pain Round Table at AAA2010 San Antonio

By Kristen Adams posted 02-22-2010 13:14


I am hosting a RoundTable 202:Hot Topics in Pain Management main AAA conference on the MONDAY in May 2010 in San Antonio.  Please use the COMMENTS section below to post your ideas for topics to discuss in May during the main conference.

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02-22-2010 13:16

How do practices handle clinicians who have to "call out" sick or other emergency? What do you do to contact patients during non-peak hours, to try to keep your phone lines open?

01-28-2010 15:25

One idea for paid: How are residents and fellows deployed, incorporated into your pain day? What are ways to optimize the flow of patients and help residents and fellows get a really good learning experience? Do faculty try to pick out interesting cases? Are there separate schedules? etc.

01-28-2010 15:19

If you are reading this you made it to the Pain Ideas blog. Great work. There is a link on the lower right to ADD COMMENT. Please add your ideas for our round tables here!