
Provider Based Billing

By Vici Holmes posted 12-12-2013 17:40

I recently joined a Cancer Center that encompasses Medical Oncoloyg/Hematology and Radiation Oncology Therapy.  The Medical Oncology side of the clinic is currently set up for PBB.  This clinic is setup as a clinic and I am very familiar with capturing all the nursing and support staff components for billing PBB.

However, the Radiation Oncology Therapy side is set up as an outpatient of the hospital.  At this time they are not doing PBB.  I was wondering if any of you are set up as an outpatient clinic of the hospital and capture PBB.  If so could you provide me with some detail around the various tasks we can capture and bill or if we can not do PBB because of being a hospital outpatient clinic.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. 

Vici Holmes, CMPE
Team Leader Supportive Services
